Sunday, November 13, 2011

Daikon Radish/Moo (무)

Daikon Radish isn't just your typical radish or "labanos" here in the Philippines. It's bulbous and maybe similar to papaya in shape, even size. Another distinct feature of this radish is its taste. It's not pungent like our long and slender "labanos". It's actually a little sweet and crunchy like a fuji apple. You can even eat it raw.

But just like our very own "labanos", it's used in stews and most commonly in kimchi. There are many kinds of kimchi that use different types of radishes. Different sizes entail different methods of preping it. They even use the leaves of the radish. It's actually a versatile vegetable.

You can purchase this radish in your local supermarkets. There may even be some in farmers markets.

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